Fogas Seria 4 float
Competition floats » Fogas floats
We would like to introduce our new competition float serie, designed by Róbert Faragó competition fisherman, manufactured by Exner and tested by Fogas Fishingshop’s team. The Seria 4 float has short steel stem and very sensitive fibre glass antenne. Specially made for ablette and pole fishing.
Wrecking: 1 pieces/package
Available sizes: 0,3g, 0,5g, 0,75g, 1g, 1,5g
Photos: Laszlo Farago - Farago Laszlo Photography
See also
Fogas Seria 7 float Price:650.00HUF |
Fogas Seria 5 float Price:850.00HUF |
Fogas Seria 1 float Price:650.00HUF |
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