  • E-invoice - 2021

    Dear Customers!

    From 1. January 2021. our shop will send only e-invoices (instead of paper based invoice) in email before the delivery.

    It is not necessary to print the invoice, just download and save them.

    Protect our environment! Team

  • SSL enryption on our website

    We have launched an SSL encryption on our website. That means our customers can use our site with maximum secutity, the private datas are secure from unauthorized person.

    Our site has been identified by ESET SSL Filter CA. Before the shoping check the small lock and the valid certificate in your browser and use the website through https:// protocol.



  • fish_o_mania_2013.jpg

    Fish'O'Mania - 2013

    In this year Hungary got an invitation to the international championship of UK, called Fish'O'Mania. The participant of the hungarian team were Róbert Faragó, Zoltán Faragó and Róbert Erdélyi, who are the members of the / Fogas Fishingshop Team.

    Check the video here...

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    "Rác" Zander

    In the following video you can learn the preparing of the traditional hungarian "Rác" Zander. The video is in hungarian language, so if you need any informations, just contact us.

    Check the video here...

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    Fish soup from Zander

    In the following video you can learn the preparing of the traditional hungarian fish soup from Zander. The video is in hungarian language, so if you need any informations, just contact us.

    Check the video here...

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    Carpa - Our test fish

    Carpa is the test fish of our shop. He is a 10 years old carp and lives in the small lake near our hungarian shop. We test all of the fishing foods with him.

    Check the video here...